
Chronic Tension Headaches Can Be Cured With Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Headaches are common. There are over 45 million Americans suffering from a variety of headaches. Headaches accompany a lot of diseases — they are symptoms of more than 16 types of diseases and signs of many crises. If you have a headach followed by a coma, go to hospital immediately for treatment. It was reported that a person, who had suffered from a chronic headach for more than 20 years and taken pain relievers every day, suddenly got vein apoplexy one day (because his phlebitis in skull trigered cerebral embolism), and the sequelae was hemiplegia and limb spasm. Therefore, when you experienc a headach, don’t underestimate it. You should find out the reasons for it, evaluate its risks, and receive an immediat treatment. As there are tons of causes for headaches, different types of headaches should be treated differently. If your hypertension starts a headach, take some hypertension pills . If your insomnia causes them, treat insomnia. If your eye problems result in your headaches, visit an ophthalmologist. Tumors can triger headaches, too. If you fall into this category, simply cut your tumors. Here, I maily discusses headaches under the condition that there are no primary diseases and positive signs diagnosed by your doctors on you and tells you that a 20-year tension headach was cured by me with Chinese medicine and acupuncture. I’d like to break the news that the most common headaches, tension headaches, can be successfully treated with traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Tension headaches or muscle-contraction headaches are the most common forms of headaches, representing 90 percent of the all headaches. Most adolescents, especially women, suffer from them frequently. Factors leading to tension headaches are tightness, fatigue, bright lights, or noises. Any stimuli, intense and prolonged, can make nickel and/or cranial muscles contract constantly followed by a secondary blood vessel contraction, which will produce a pathogenic substance capable of making you feel headaches. Clinically, muscle-contraction headaches display themselves in various ways like heavy pressing, squeezing, dragging, and swelling. Although most headaches are occipital, frontal and parietal, headaches on foreheads, tops and tempora can occur individually or jointly. Beside, usually these headaches occur on one side, but they will occasionally appear on both sides of your head. Headaches can last several days, months, and years. Chronic tension headaches mean that headaches go on 15 or more days a month for several months, even persisting for years. Intensity of a headache will go higher in the afternoon and evening, and factors like anxiety and tension will trigger a headach and make it worse, even combing hair and wearing a hat, too. Regularly, headaches come followed by dizziness, insomnia, amnesia, fidgety, etc. On examination, muscular spasm and pressure pain points on the occipital part of a head can be found with nodes being touched sometimes. Plus, activities of heads and necks are usually restricted. However, no positive signs can be found in nervous system. It should be noticed that all sorts of headaches can result in muscle-contraction headaches in their advanced stages, particularly for patients with neurosis. Tension headaches can be treated with pain relievers, like acetaminophen, such as Tylenol, or aspirin, without a prescription. But when you take these pain relievers more than three times a week, you may have rebound headaches, which differ from tension headaches. They generally begin after pain medicines have worn off, leading you to take another dose. Therefore in the end, you will have a headache when you stop taking the medicines.

Traditional Chinese medicine devides tension headaches into these five categories: wind-cold syndrome, wind-damp syndrome, deficiency of qi and blood, turbid phlegm syndrome, and blood stasis syndrome. A practitioner of Chinese medicine determines what type of his or her patient’s tension headaches is first based on the patient’s clinic syndromes, coating on the tongue, and types of pulse and then prescript the right remedy to treat the very kind of tension headaches. My successful way to treat headaches is that I can find the causes of your headaches and by treating key acupuncture points cure your headaches radically. Taking Mrs. Shan, one of my patients, as an example, she had headaches on the left side for 20 years. She was so scared stiff of her head getting breeze and cold air in that even in summer, she had to ware a hat. Headaches attacked her aggressively with severe pain and swelling sensations on her head, chest distress, nausea, and insomnia accompanied by aching and ringing in her left ear. No reasons found, her GP prescribed oral pain relievers for her. Although the pain was eased, her headache syndromes were still there. After pain medicines had worn off, harsh headaches returned time again, that made her think of committing suicide. One week under my treatment, she reduced the doses of pain relievers. Two weeks later, she took off her hat, and after two and a half month treatment, her 25-year tension headaches were cured completely by me with Chinese medicine and acupuncture. That is really amazing.